Sexual Battery Defense Lawyer

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According to the Georgia Innocence Project, thousands of people are wrongfully accused of sexual crimes each year. Of these sexual crimes, one of the most serious is sexual battery under OCGA § 16-6-22.1.

If you are facing allegations of sexual battery in Georgia, the road ahead may seem daunting. You might be concerned about how this will affect your reputation, career, and finances. Perhaps the most pressing concern for those facing sexual battery OCGA § 16-6-22.1 charges is the possibility of incarceration. However, it is important to remember that everyone in Georgia is innocent until proven guilty, and each defendant has the right to an experienced, qualified criminal defense attorney.

You are not alone in the legal battle ahead, and an experienced criminal defense lawyer can help you approach your sex crimes charges with efficiency and confidence. Modern defendants have access to new strategies that were impossible in previous decades, including the use of DNA evidence. This article will explore the nature of sexual battery charges in Georgia, including legal definitions, common defense strategies, possible penalties, and more.

If you’ve been accused of sexual battery in Georgia, you’re in a world of legal trouble. Beating your charge will require help from a top-notch criminal defense attorney. Contact Joseph Williams Law today to explore your legal options in a free consultation. 

Definition Of Sexual Battery Laws In Georgia – OCGA § 16-6-22.1

Although most people have an idea of what sexual battery means, few understand its legal definition and implications. In Georgia, sexual battery under OCGA § 16-6-22.1 has three main elements:

  • Intent
  • Physical contact with intimate parts
  • Lack of consent

Putting all three of these elements together, sexual battery occurs when someone intentionally touches another person’s intimate parts without the consent of that person. Georgia criminal courts consider this crime to be a “misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.”

Aggravating Factors

Although sexual battery refers to nonconsensual touching, various aggravating factors can complicate and heighten penalties associated with this crime. Perhaps the most obvious aggravating factor is the age of the alleged victim. If the alleged offense involves a victim under 16 years of age, defendants can expect more serious consequences. Prior sexual battery convictions also lead to more severe penalties for subsequent offenses.

There is also a separate offense in Georgia called “aggravated sexual battery,” and this involves intentional penetration with a foreign object (but not a sexual organ). This might be a body part (such as a hand) or an inanimate object.

Legal Definitions

Defendants should strive to understand the various terms that appear in the legal definition of sexual battery. The meaning of these terms may seem obvious at first, but semantic subtleties can offer numerous opportunities for effective defense strategies.


For prosecutors to convict you of sexual battery, they must prove that you touched someone’s intimate body parts. In this context, “touch” refers to all physical contact – and it may involve your hands, elbows, feet, or any other body part. In addition to establishing that physical contact occurred, prosecutors must also prove that this touching was not accidental.

Intimate Part

The term “intimate part” refers to very specific sections of the human body: The male or female primary genital area, anus, groin, inner thighs, or buttocks. The breasts of a female are also considered intimate parts, but not the breast area of a male.

Against The Will Of The Other Person

You can only be convicted of sexual battery if you touched someone “against their will” – a phrase equivalent to “without their consent.” The legal definition of consent therefore becomes one of the most important elements in a sexual battery case, but this definition is somewhat elusive in Georgia. Unlike many other states, Georgia has not codified an official legal definition of consent. Instead, criminal courts tend to approach each situation on a case-by-case basis – with judges using their own discretion to determine whether someone has provided consent.

Instead of defining consent, Georgia criminal courts tend to focus instead on the potential lack of consent, which may involve clear displays of unwillingness. These displays can be verbal or nonverbal, with the most obvious example being the word “no.” However, an alleged victim might also nonverbally display a lack of consent by shaking their head, pushing the defendant away, and so on.

In addition, numerous factors take away an alleged victim’s ability to consent. For example, people under the age of 16 cannot consent to any sexual acts. The same logic applies to those with disabilities, intoxicated individuals, and unconscious individuals. Finally, employees, inmates, patients, and students cannot consent to sexual acts with their superiors – including their doctors, teachers, supervisors, and so on. If the alleged victim cannot consent, prosecutors do not need to establish that the touching occurred against their will. In other words, the alleged sexual touching may be automatically nonconsensual in these situations.

Sexual Abuse

There is no specific criminal law against “sexual abuse” in Georgia. That being said, many people use this term (incorrectly) when referring to sexual assault, rape, sexual battery, and other crimes in Georgia. In the legal world, the term “sexual abuse” refers mostly to civil torts and not criminal cases. Although sexual abuse lawsuits cannot cause criminal penalties, they may still hold alleged abusers accountable for various nonconsensual acts.

A sexual abuse lawsuit may arise from workplace sexual harassment or “quid pro quo” harassment. These lawsuits may also involve clergy abuse, landlord/tenant abuse, teacher/student acts, and similar situations. Note that a defendant may face both a civil sexual abuse lawsuit and criminal sexual battery charges for the same alleged incident.

Unlawful Restraint

Unlawful restraint occurs when a defendant detains someone against their will. Terms like “false imprisonment” or “kidnapping” can refer to these scenarios, and allegations of this nature often arise in the context of domestic violence. A classic example of unlawful restraint is preventing a spouse from leaving their own home – either by force, threats, or coercion. A defendant might also engage in unlawful restraint if they prevent people from attending school, family functions, meetings, and so on. Those accused of sexual battery may also face charges related to unlawful restraint – whether it involves physical force or psychological coercion. Kidnapping or false imprisonment can lead to serious felonies and prison sentences in Georgia.


Even if you did not engage in the alleged sexual battery, you may still face charges after being accused of being an “accomplice.” In Georgia, prosecutors may designate you as an accomplice to sexual battery if you assisted the defendant in some way. If you face allegations of involvement in the sexual battery, you could be charged with sexual battery alongside the defendant. For example, an accomplice might act as a “lookout” while someone else engages in nonconsensual touching.

What Are Common Legal Defenses to Sexual Battery Charges?

The most appropriate defense to a sexual battery charge depends entirely on your unique situation. Each case is different, and the specific circumstances surrounding each alleged offense can present various opportunities to avoid or mitigate consequences. That being said, certain defense strategies are particularly common in this situation.

You Had Consent

You may argue that you had consent to engage in sexual touching. Perhaps someone explicitly provided permission. Maybe no words were exchanged, but someone gave you nonverbal signs of consent – such as nodding. Consent is a complex legal complex, and it may take various forms. If you feel as though you had consent but you’re not sure how to prove it, an experienced defense attorney can assist you with a range of evidence. For example, a witness may have overheard someone providing you with verbal consent.

This process may become even more complex if someone claims that they were incapable of providing you with consent. For example, they may claim that they were too heavily intoxicated to offer consent. You may refute these claims by establishing that the alleged victim consumed no intoxicating substances prior to the incident. Someone might also claim that they were unconscious, but surveillance footage could call this into question.

There Was No Sexual Touching

If you never engaged in sexual touching, you cannot face consequences for sexual battery in Georgia. There are two ways to establish the lack of sexual contact:

  • You did not touch an intimate part
  • No physical contact occurred

You may argue that although you touched someone without their permission, you came into physical contact with non-intimate body parts. For example, you may have touched their shoulder or their knee, which are not intimate body parts under Georgia law.

You may also argue that no physical contact occurred whatsoever, and this is perhaps the most obvious defense strategy for sexual battery. For example, you may have simply been flirting with someone without touching them.

You Were Falsely Accused

In Georgia, the prosecution always shoulders the burden of proof. The court presumes that you are innocent unless prosecutors can prove your guilt beyond reasonable doubt. If you have been falsely accused of sexual battery, you can approach your charges with a degree of confidence. If it is simply a matter of your word against theirs with no other evidence, prosecutors will find it very difficult to convict you of sexual battery in Georgia. They need more convincing proof such as DNA evidence or witness testimony, and hearsay may be inadmissible in court. “Beyond reasonable doubt” means that even if there is a slight chance that you are innocent, the court cannot convict you.

Your criminal defense lawyer in Georgia can help you expose these false accusations with various strategies. For example, your attorney might cross-examine witnesses and highlight obvious inconsistencies in their stories. They can also help you establish alibis, call upon character witnesses, and much more.

The Touching Was Accidental

Intent is a key element of sexual battery in Georgia. If prosecutors cannot establish that the physical touching was intentional, you should avoid all criminal consequences. There are many situations in which people may accidentally touch others in intimate areas. For example, you might have stumbled while walking down the street, blindly waving your arms to regain balance. If you unintentionally touch someone’s intimate area in the process, this does not constitute sexual battery according to Georgia law.

You might also intentionally touch someone’s intentional area, but accidentally touch the wrong person. For example, you may have accidentally touched someone who you thought was your partner. Perhaps it was too dark to see clearly, and you were in a crowded area. Perhaps your partner has a twin or sibling that looks almost identical, and you accidentally touched them due to a case of mistaken identity.

Perhaps you intended to touch someone’s non-intimate area but accidentally touched their intimate area. For example, you may have reached out to touch a woman’s back to get her attention. At precisely the wrong moment, the woman may have turned around to face you, causing your hand to touch their breast. Even if someone is convinced that you intended to touch their intimate area, you may successfully argue that it was a complete accident.

There are many other potential examples of accidental touching, and you can discuss this subject further alongside your defense attorney.

Penalties for Sexual Battery Crimes

In the absence of aggravating factors, sexual battery is a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. This is a special class of misdemeanors, and a conviction may result in serious penalties.

Misdemeanor Penalties for Sexual Battery

All misdemeanors of a high and aggravated nature are associated with the same basic penalties. You may face a maximum fine of up to $5,000, a jail sentence of up to one year, or both.

A misdemeanor may also result in a range of additional penalties at the court’s discretion. This may include community service, restitution payments to the victim, and more. Furthermore, you are required to register as a sex offender after being convicted of sexual battery in Georgia, as with all sexual crimes.

Felony Penalties for Sexual Battery

Felony penalties for sexual battery are possible with the addition of certain aggravating factors. If the victim was a child under the age of 16 at the time of the offense, you face a felony. This will result in a mandatory minimum prison sentence of one year, with a maximum sentence of five years.

However, these penalties do not apply if you were close in age to the victim at the time of the offense. To determine whether you are exempt from felony penalties in this context, first consider whether you and the victim have birthdays two years apart or less. Next, consider whether the victim was at least 13 at the time of the offense. If these conditions are met and you were at least 18 at the time of the offense, you will not face felony penalties for sexual battery against someone under 16.

If you have at least one prior sexual battery conviction on your record, you face felony penalties for all subsequent offenses. The mandatory minimum sentence for these felonies is one year, and the maximum prison sentence is five years. In addition, you cannot be sentenced as a “first offender” for any other crime once you have been convicted of a sexual offense. A sexual battery conviction may therefore cause serious consequences for any other crimes you commit in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sexual battery OCGA § 16-6-22.1 charges often lead to various questions. Here are some of the most common queries:

  1. What is the difference between sexual battery and rape?

Sexual battery occurs when a defendant intentionally touches someone’s intimate body parts without their permission. In contrast, rape involves penetration.

  1. Do I have to register as a sex offender?

In Georgia, convicts of sexual crimes are required to register as sex offenders after being released from incarceration. You must register with the county sheriff closest to your residence within 72 hours.

  1. What is the statute of limitations for sexual battery in Georgia?

The statute of limitations for sexual battery in Georgia depends on numerous factors. If the alleged victim was over the age of 16 at the time of the offense, prosecution must move forward within two years, but only if it is the defendant’s first offense. The statute of limitations becomes four years if the defendant has prior sexual battery convictions. For situations involving victims under the age of 16, the statute of limitations is extended to seven years. All cases of aggravated sexual battery have a seven-year statute of limitations. Alternatively, prosecution can move forward at any time for aggravated sexual battery cases as long as DNA evidence connects the defendant to the alleged crime.

  1. Can I be sued for sexual battery?

Yes, an alleged victim can sue you for sexual battery. The statute of limitations for civil sexual battery torts may be longer than that of criminal cases for the same incident. In addition, an organization may be sued for sexual battery committed by its employees, volunteers, or clergy members.

  1. What is sexual battery by fraudulent representation?

Sexual battery by fraudulent representation involves inappropriate touching via manipulation or deceit. For example, a doctor might trick a patient into consenting to inappropriate touching, claiming that the act serves some kind of medical purpose.

Sexual Battery Defense Lawyer in Georgia

Although reading about sexual battery OCGA § 16-6-22.1 can be insightful, an online article cannot provide representation in court, negotiate on your behalf, or assess the unique circumstances of your situation. For this, you will need to speak with an experienced, qualified sexual battery defense lawyer in Georgia.

A defense attorney can help you gather evidence, conduct investigations, negotiate plea deals, and much more. Remember, anything you say during a consultation is completely confidential, and you can discuss your situation with a defense attorney in private. You can begin this discussion today by contacting Joseph Williams Law. Schedule a free consultation to take your first steps toward clearing your name and securing your future.