Obstruction of Law Enforcement

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If you are charged with obstruction of a law enforcement officer in Georgia, you need to understand the gravity of the situation. At Joseph Williams Law, we are dedicated to providing you with the knowledge and defense necessary to navigate these challenging charges.

One wrong move can have you facing an obstruction of justice charge in Georgia. This charge can have serious long-term effects on your life if it turns into a conviction.

Let’s look at what obstructing justice entails including the potential penalties, possible defenses, and how we can assist you.

Eager to get started on your defense? We are, too. Contact us online or call us at 912-259-6548.

Police putting handcuffs on a man

What Is Obstruction of Law Enforcement?

Obstruction of law enforcement in Georgia occurs when an individual knowingly and willfully hinders, obstructs, or resists any law enforcement officer in the performance of their official duties.

This can take many forms:

  • Providing false information to police
  • Physically resisting arrest
  • Interfering with an investigation
  • Refusing to comply with lawful orders

These actions can lead to serious charges and consequences.

Penalties for Obstruction of Law Enforcement in Georgia

The penalties for obstruction of law enforcement depend on the severity of the actions and whether the offense involved violence.

Misdemeanor Obstruction

For non-violent obstruction, the charge is generally a misdemeanor. Penalties can include:

  • Up to 12 months in jail
  • Fines up to $1,000
  • Probation
  • Community service

Felony Obstruction

If the obstruction involves violence or threats of violence against a police officer, it can be charged as a felony. It is also a felony to throw blood, urine, feces, vomit or seminal fluids on law enforcement officers, correctional officers, and prison guards. Penalties for felony obstruction in Georgia include the following:

  • One to 5 years in prison
  • Substantial fines
  • Extended probation

Defending Against Obstruction Of Law Enforcement Charges

At Joseph Williams Law, we can use various strategies to defend against obstruction charges. Here are some common defenses:

Lack of Intent

We may be able to argue that you did not knowingly or willfully engage in hindering or obstructing the officer.

False Accusations

We may present evidence that the accusations are false or that there was a misunderstanding of your actions.

Unlawful Arrest

If the arrest itself was unlawful, any actions taken in response may not be obstruction.

Violation of Rights

Your rights were violated during the arrest or criminal investigation of your case.

How Joseph Williams Law Can Help

Facing obstruction of law enforcement charges can be overwhelming. Here’s how Joseph Williams Law can assist you:

Comprehensive Case Review

We start with a thorough review of your criminal case, examining all evidence and identifying weaknesses in the prosecution’s case.

Strong Legal Representation

We provide robust legal representation in court, ensuring your rights are protected at every stage of the legal process.

Stress Reduction

We guide you through the legal process, offering clear advice on your legal rights and support to reduce your stress and anxiety.

Negotiation and Defense Strategy

We develop a tailored defense strategy based on the specifics of your case and negotiate with prosecutors to seek reduced criminal charges or alternative sentencing options.

Georgia Obstruction of Law Enforcement FAQs

What should I do if I’m charged with obstruction of law enforcement?

Stay calm, remain silent, and ask for an attorney. Contact Joseph Williams Law or another attorney as soon as possible.

Can obstruction charges be dropped?

In some cases, charges can be dropped if there is insufficient evidence or if we can demonstrate that the accusations are false or otherwise unable to stand under state law.

How serious are obstruction of law enforcement charges?

These charges are serious and can result in jail time, fines, and a permanent criminal record. The severity depends on the nature of the obstruction and whether violence was involved during the impeding or obstruction.

Do I need a criminal defense attorney for obstruction of law enforcement charges?

Having an experienced criminal defense lawyer can be incredibly helpful. A lawyer understands the legal system, can protect your rights, and will provide a strong defense.

Can I get a misdemeanor obstruction charge expunged?

In some cases, misdemeanor charges can be expunged from your record, allowing you to move forward without the burden of a criminal record.

What are the consequences of a felony obstruction conviction?

A felony conviction can result in significant prison time, substantial fines, and a long-term impact on your personal and professional life.

How can Joseph Williams Law help me with my obstruction charge?

We provide comprehensive legal support, from reviewing your case and developing a defense strategy to representing you in court and negotiating with prosecutors.

Group of people and lawyer or judge team discussing

Charged with Obstruction in Georgia? Call Us

Obstruction of law enforcement charges in Georgia are serious and can have lasting impacts on your life. At Joseph Williams Law, we are experienced in criminal law and are committed to providing you with the defense you need to protect your rights and future. Contact us today at 912-259-6548 or online for a free consultation. We’re here to help you navigate this challenging time.