Misdemeanor lawyer

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Misdemeanor charges may not feel serious compared to felony charges, but they can have profound effects on your life. To get the legal help you need, contact Joseph Williams Law as soon as you can.

Maybe you’re worried about jail time. Maybe you’re worried about fines. Maybe it’s a combination of factors and the fear of the unknown that has you worried.

In any case, facing misdemeanor criminal charges in Georgia can be a daunting experience. At Joseph Williams Law, we understand the stress and confusion that comes with these charges.

And our goal is to provide you with the information that you need and the defense that you deserve to get through this and move on with your life.

To learn more about Georgia misdemeanor charges, keep reading or reach out to Joseph Williams Law by calling 912-259-6548 or contacting us online.

A male lawyer consults a team of legal clients

What Is a Misdemeanor?

In Georgia, misdemeanors are criminal offenses that are treated less seriously than felonies, but misdemeanors can still carry significant penalties.

Common misdemeanor offenses our clients come to us with include the following:

  • Shoplifting and Petty Theft
  • Simple assault including domestic violence
  • DUI or DWI
  • Trespassing
  • Possession of small amounts of marijuana
  • Disorderly conduct
  • Traffic Violations such as Reckless Driving

These are just examples of misdemeanors. In reality, dozens of infractions can result in misdemeanor charges.

Despite a common misconception that these charges are no big deal, misdemeanor charges can impact your life — profoundly — so it’s crucial to understand what you’re facing.

Potential Penalties for Misdemeanors

Misdemeanor convictions in Georgia can result in:

  • Up to 12 months in county jail
  • Fines up to $1,000
  • Community service
  • Probation

Certain misdemeanors, like DUIs or repeated offenses, may carry even harsher penalties.

Something to remember: The legal system isn’t designed to be easily understood. An unbelievable number of clients come to our firm with almost no idea of what they’re really up against.

That’s why it is so important to speak with a trusted Georgia misdemeanor lawyer as soon as you can. We’ll help you understand the precise nature of your alleged misdemeanor crimes, the jail sentence you could face, and much more.

Defending Against Misdemeanor Charges

At Joseph Williams Law, we know misdemeanor charges can have serious effects on your life. And we believe you deserve a robust legal defense.

Here are some common defenses for misdemeanor charges in Georgia:

Lack of Evidence

Your attorney may be able to challenge the evidence against you. If the prosecution cannot prove their case, you may avoid conviction.


In cases of assault or similar charges, your lawyer may argue that you acted in self-defense.

Mistaken Identity

In some cases, an experienced attorney can show that you were not the person who committed the crime.

Procedural Errors

If the police made mistakes during your arrest or investigation, your lawyer may be able to use this to your advantage.

The Legal Process for Misdemeanors

Many people who are charged with a misdemeanor in Georgia have never had a brush with the legal system before. It being their first time, it fills them with panic.

Understanding the legal process can help lessen the stress. Here’s a rough outline of what to expect:


If you’re arrested for a misdemeanor, you’ll likely be taken to jail. You should receive a bond on the new misdemeanor charge.


At your arraignment, you’ll hear the charges against you and enter a plea (guilty, not guilty, or no contest).


During the pre-trial phase, your attorney gathers evidence, negotiates with the prosecution, and prepares your defense.


Often, misdemeanor defense attorneys can negotiate with prosecutors to try to get the charges reduced, dropped, or otherwise changed. If this is unsuccessful, your case will likely proceed to trial.


If your case goes to trial, we present your defense to a judge or jury. We’ll fight for your rights every step of the way. We’ll make sure you’re never in the dark about what’s going on.

Why Choose Joseph Williams Law?

Choosing the right criminal defense lawyer can make all the difference. Here’s why Joseph Williams Law is the best choice for your misdemeanor defense:


We have extensive experience defending misdemeanor cases in Georgia. Mr. Williams has been practicing criminal law for over several years and has racked up an impressive list of wins for his clients since then.

Personal Attention

We treat every case with the attention it deserves. You’re not just a number to us. We serve people, not cases. When you team up with us, your defense is our priority.

Aggressive Defense

We fight hard for our clients, using every legal tool available to protect your rights. Our reputation is always on the line. We’re not afraid of a fight, and we’re not afraid of getting creative with even the most complicated cases to defend our clients the way they deserve to be defended.


What to Do If You’re Charged with a Misdemeanor

If you’re facing misdemeanor charges in Georgia, follow these steps:

  • Stay calm. Don’t panic. Stay calm and polite during your interactions with law enforcement.
  • Exercise your rights. You have the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. Use them.
  • Contact Joseph Williams Law. The sooner you contact us, the better we can defend you.

Common Questions About Misdemeanors

What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?

Misdemeanors are less severe than felonies and carry lighter penalties. Felonies carry a minimum penalty of one year in the state prison, while Georgia misdemeanors carry a maximum sentence of one year in the local jail.

Can a misdemeanor be expunged from my record?

In some cases, there can be an expungement of misdemeanors from your record, meaning they are sealed from public view. This process can help you move forward without the burden of a criminal record.

Do I need a criminal defense attorney for a misdemeanor?

While you can represent yourself, having an experienced attorney can significantly improve your chances of a favorable outcome. An attorney understands the legal system and can provide a strong defense.

Group of people and lawyer or judge team discussing

Contact Joseph Williams Law

If you’re facing misdemeanor charges, don’t wait. Contact Joseph Williams Law today for a free consultation. We’re here to help you navigate the legal system and protect your future.

Misdemeanor charges are serious, but you don’t have to face them alone. At Joseph Williams Law, we provide the defense you need to protect your rights and your future. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you. Call 912-259-6548 or reach out online.